Competitive Sportswomen Book List

As an amateur sportswoman and an avid reader, I love stories about other sportswomen. There are a growing number of memoirs from professional and elite sportswomen, a growing number of sports fiction books for a Young Adult audience, and even an uptick of women's sports history books. But one of the main reasons I wanted to create Sports Stories Press is because there's a lack of fiction with sportswomen protagonists written for an adult audience and a lack of memoirs about amateur sportswomen. Sport Stories Press seeks to rectify this gap.

There are, however, some books in these categories, and I am sharing those here. This is a work in progress! Please help me expand this list by sending book titles/authors/publishers/links to Sport Stories Press.

Sport Book

Sport Books


Adult Fiction with Competitive Sportswomen Protagonists
(elite, professional, and amateur)

  • Title: Anna Black - This Girl Can Play
    Author: Texi Smith
    Publisher: Popcorn Press
    Sport: Football (Soccer)

  • Title: A Whole Other Ball Game
    : Joli Sandoz
    Publisher: Farrar, Straus, Wand Girouz
    Sport: Multiple Sports

  • Title: Fast Girls
    Author: Elise Hooper
    Publisher: William Morrow
    Sport: Olympic Track & Field

  • Title: Girl Runner
    Author: Carrie Snyder
    Publisher: Harper
    Sport: Olympic Track & Field

  • Title: Gold
    Author: Chris Cleave
    Publisher: Sceptre
    Sport: Cycling

  • Title: Holding Her Breath
    Author: Eimear Ryan
    Publisher: Mariner Books
    Sport: Swimming

  • Title: Seeking the Center
    Author: Leslie Spitz-Edson
    Publisher: Cuidano Press
    Sport: Hockey

  • Title: Swimming
    Author: Nicola Keegan
    Publisher: Vintage
    Sport: Olympic Swimming

  • Title: The Bone Cage
    Author: Angie Abdou
    Publisher: NeWest Press
    Sport: Olympic Swimming

  • Title: The Happiest Girl in the World
    Author: Alena Dillon
    Publisher: William Morrow
    Sport: Gymnastics

  • Title: The Singles Game
    Author: Lauren Weisberger
    Publisher: Simon & Schuster
    Sport: Tennis

  • Title: The Sweetheart
    Author: Angelina Mirabella
    Publisher: Simon & Schuster
    Sport: Wrestling

  • Title: Tough Girl in the Jam
    Author: Larry Loebell
    Publisher: Sunbury Press
    Sport: Roller Derby

  • Title: We Ride Upon Sticks
    Author: Quan Barry
    Publisher: Vintage
    Sport: Field Hockey

  • Title: Wheeler Series (3 books)
    Author: Sara Butler Zalesky
    Publisher: independently published
    Sport: Cycling

Amateur Sportswomen Memoirs (non-elite, non-professional)

Note: Most links lead to Amazon, where Sport Stories Press gets a small percent if you purchase the book. We used the publisher's website for books from small, independent presses because purchasing directly from the publisher provides a greater percentage to the author and publisher. If this is your book or a book from your publishing company and you’d like us to use a different link and/or include a link to an author website, we'll be glad to do so. Contact Sport Stories Press to share the link. 
Last Updated: 5/20/2022 9:32 PM EST

Book Notes: WHEELER by Sara Butler Zalesky