Sport Stories Press Submission Guidelines
Submit a query letter with the first 5-10 pages of your manuscript.
We prefer fiction or CNF full-length manuscripts but will consider novellas, short story collections, chapbooks, and poetry full-length manuscripts.
We are most interested in stories about amateur adult sportswomen.
We will also highly consider stories about professional women athletes and college women athletes.
Stories about high school and age group athletes will only be considered if they're clearly for an adult audience.
Stories that other focus on aspects of women's sports other than athletes (coaches, journalists, referees, etc.) will be considered, but the preference is on athletes' stories.
Stories about men's sports and athletes are only considered at this time if they’re paired with women's sports or athletes. We plan to expand our submissions criteria in the future to also include stories about all amateur athletes and sports.
We prefer stories for an adult audience, but we will consider stories with New Adult/YA crossover appeal. No middle grade or children's stories.
Unpublished work only. If stories or poems in a collection have been published elsewhere, that’s fine, but the collection as a whole should be unpublished.
Simultaneous submissions accepted. Let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
At this time, we seek only to acquire and publish 4-6 titles per year, so selections are competitive. Unfortunately, this means we may need to turn down high-quality, creative, and innovative work.
We will not be able to provide personal feedback on each query.
If a project is not a fit at this time, please wait at least 3 months before resubmitting.
Sport Stories Press Author Benefits
Authors receive a full editing, copyediting, cover and layout design, and marketing package at no cost to the author.
Authors receive $100 advance + unlimited PDF ARCs + 5 published copies + 25% royalties from book sales.